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  • General | Life Jungle

    Page Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Section Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Section Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.

  • Children and Youth Services | Life Jungle

    Vast ocean Unlimited Opportunities Please check with Chinese Version Vast ocean Please check with Chinese Version

  • Lamma Island | Life Jungle | Hong Kong

    Lamma Island The backyard of Hong Kong. With a rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Located 3km off the south west coast of Hong Kong Island, Lamma Island is the third largest island in Hong Kong. It has an approximated population of 7000 people, of which the vast majority live in Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan. With the low-density of village housing, Lamma Island has preserved a large portion of natural habitat which is a home to a rich variety of wildlife. Know more Ecology Culture History ecology Map of Lamma Sok kwu wan eco-map 384 species 276 species 120 species MORE Species of Lamma The number of species found in Lamma Island covers 2/3 of the total species number of Hong Kong. culture Lamma Island is the only place in Hong Kong that preserved the history of fishery industry and local fisherfolk culture. Dedicated to the protector of Fishermen, Tin Hau Temple was constructed at Sok Kwu Wan village in the 18th centry. Culture History The first trace of human habitation can be dated back to the Bronze Age, with historical relics as evidences. In the 1960s, the piers in Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan were contructed and the tourism starts to flourish ever since. History did you know? The name Lamma Island is named because of its location and shape of the island. "Lam" means south and "a" means fork in Cantonese.

  • Our Work | Life Jungle | Hong Kong

    What we do Our organization active in Lamma Island. Through diversified activities and comprehensive support services, we aim to create a healthy community for residents. Address 4 Chung Mei Village, Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong Whatsapp + 852 5981 5927 Email Connect

  • ECF: Ocean conservation - Lamma Island | Life Jungle

    Page Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Click Here ECF: Ocean conservation - Lamma Island 2021 Targeting students in the southern district, and the fishermen in the Lamma island, we hope to spread the message of cutting down waste from the source, and the philosophy behind ocean conservation. ​ *​Subvented by ECF & ECC Ocean Cleaning Clean the shore Clean the ocean Clean the Seabed Environmental talk Effect of Microplastic Effect of Ocean Garbage Know more about ocean trash Ocean-cleaning Is the problem of ocean garbage really that serious? Lets listen to what the scuba diver has to say.. *​Subvented by the ECF & ECC ocean garbage & fisherman ​ *​Subvented by the ECF & ECC ​ Ocean Current & Ocean garbage Ghost net & fisherman

  • 生命叢林 | Life Jungle | Lamma Island | Hong Kong

    Life jungle Conserve the Lamma Island WHO WE ARE Projects 大灣區(惠州)非遺計劃文化交流體驗團 Coming up June 2024 Address 4 Chung Mei Village, Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong Whatsapp + 852 5981 5927 Email Connect

  • Conservation | Life Jungle

    Conservation Projects Biodiversity is closely related to our lives. How can we deal with the problems caused by climate change? Through different biodiversity and conservation activities, the organization brings public awareness on the reasons for advocating conservation, and lets them understand the impact of current lifestyles on nature, so as to reflect on personal behavior and habits, understand and practice sustainable lifestyles, and contribute to environmental conservation. Beach Cleaning "Join us in keeping our beaches pristine! Join our community beach cleanup events or organize your own. Together, let's make a difference for our oceans and marine life. Get involved today!" View More ECF Seagrass Exploration discovering the green wonder Enhance public and student awareness of intertidal seagrass ecosystems, cultivate a sense of responsibility and awareness for marine environmental protection, and encourage them to practice green living and participate in conservation actions, ultimately achieving long-term conservation outcomes for the marine environment View More WE- RE -CYCLE Lamma Raising public awareness of the biodiversity on Lamma Island, urging hikers to collect litter while hiking. Organizing eco-tours to explore various natural ecosystems on Lamma Island while hiking, and to understand the biodiversity of Lamma Island. View More Estuary Ecology Lamma Island 2020-21 This project focuses on conserving the biodiversity of the Lamma Island estuarine mudflats. Through a series of educational activities including ecology training programs, eco-tours, wildlife photography workshops, and biodiversity exhibitions, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of Lamma Island's biodiversity and the estuarine mudflats to various species. View More ECF Ocean conservation - Lamma Island 2021 Through environmental talks, marine and underwater clean-up activities, and the production of educational short films, we aim to educate people about the impact of plastic waste, especially microplastics, on marine environments, marine ecosystems, and human health. Participants will also learn about choosing cosmetics and skincare products wisely and how to say 'no' to plastics. View More Lamma Marine Life 2019 Through ecotours, we aim to enhance public understanding and awareness of the biodiversity of Lamma Island's nearshore areas, strengthening their environmental conservation consciousness View More

  • Fishery development | Life Jungle

    Page Title Fishery Development We committed to promoting the sustainable development of local fisheries and finding different ways out for retired fishermen. Through different activities, we help retired fishermen acquire the knowledge and technology needed for development and transformation, and at the same time cultivate new blood to support the development of retired fishermen and the local fishery, so that the traditional industry can be preserved; it also maintains productivity for retired fishermen who still want to work. 漁業提升資助計劃 【黃花魚養殖及重新放養計劃】 Restoration HKU sea cucumber project Explore

  • Events | Life Jungle | Hong Kong

    On-going Projects ECF project Estuary Ecology Mural Art On-going Project Anchor 1

  • On- going projects | Life Jungle

    On-going Projects ECF project Estuary Ecology Mural Art On-going Project Anchor 1

  • Support Us | Life Jungle | Hong Kong

    SUPPOrT US Volunteer We believe our success highly depends on the human power provided by the volunteers. As a Volunteer, you will be part of our action and effort to educate the citizens about environmental conservation, and to keep the garbage away from the ocean. Become a Volunteer Fundraise We welcome companies/organisations to hold fundraising events for environmental or cultural conservation together. Feel free to contact us. Contact Us Collaboration We welcome any company/education organisation/private organisation to collaborate with us! Please feel free to contact us! Disclaimer: This organisation is on non-profit bases, please noted that any event expenses are expected to be fully sponsered. Contact Us SEE OUR EVENTS WAYS YOU CAN DONATE Donate In Person 4 Chung Mei Village, Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong ​ Unit 1707 Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Online Making a change in just a few steps DONATE Over the Phone 5981 5927 By Email ​ ​

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